Thursday, February 2, 2012

Long Time No See

So I'm sure my four followers have realized at this point that I'm not the most avid blogger out there. But hey, I'm working on it. I guess now is the time i catch everyone up to speed on things. One of the most notable changes that has occurred relates to my current hair color. That's right folks, the blonde is gone....
This was the first attempt... and then i decided that what the heck! Lets go darker....

Just in case you were wondering, that's me on the left. Shocking I know. The other two beautiful ladies in this picture are Stacie and Brooklyn, but I'll fill you in on all our adventures another time :)

And this is me currently. Well for the time being (I'm hoping to be back blonde asap!... Let's be real they do have more fun.)
I'm pretty sure this is one of those moments when your mother tells you I told you so, or something along those lines. Rest assured mom, I've learned my lesson. But who knows, maybe I'll repeat it in the future. *insert snicker here*

And now on to the fun stuff! The many adventures of BYU :) its a whole new semester, which means new classes, teachers, boys, the list goes on.

So there's this white fluffy stuff that falls from the sky here in Provo. The locals call it snow, and they claim its harmless, but I'm not sure I believe them just yet. A little while ago I got to go snowmobiling up in the gorgeous Utah mountains with some friends. It was absolutely incredible! Being out there in the open with no houses and just trees was amazing. I'll admit I had fun, even if I almost lost a few fingers to frostbite, and crashed into a tree when my partner let me drive (sorry Sam!) But, it was a fun experience. I don't think it tops the sandy beaches of California, but I'm starting to think that snow and I could be friends, which is a good idea considering I'll be living here for the next little while.
And oh, the phenomenon of planking haha. This was taken on our way up to the cabin where we went snowmobiling, and it may just be the most epic plank ever. We did it on the border between Wyoming and Utah, so that means we were in two places at once. SUCCESS. I can now officially cross that one off the bucket list... that I intend to make someday.

Those are some pretty sweet outfits, huh? This is me and my amazing roommate Cassie, getting ready for a fun packed night of classic skating.

I think this one is pretty self explanatory. Cute boys in matching neon attire makes for one good looking picture. Haha.

And now I can tell you all about the fabulous people in my life. And there's a lot of them, so here goes nothing!
This is my darling roommate Cassie. She's pretty stinking cool, I don't know what I would do without her. She's hysterical all day everyday, and can make a mean smoothie at Jamba Juice. And... fingers crossed I'll be living with her next year! I can hardly wait :)

Oh... and me and Cassie together? Pretty much dynamite. Especially when we're blonde. But the swag will be back soon.

And this is my family away from home! You've got the roommates:
Katelyn: the avid runner
Shannon: the "blonde" sheep now, and the next big name in ballroom dance
Hannah: an AMAZING haircutter
Rebecca: pretty much the sweetest girl you'll ever meet. I love her so much
and Cassie: whom you met earlier.
My FHE brothers are awesome too, and most of them are leaving to serve missions soon. I couldnt be more proud of you guys!

 And last, but most certainly not least, the future roommates! Stacie and Brooklyn. I have crazy adventures with them. And I'm pretty sure my name just needs to be embroidered on their couch, which is where I spend my weekends.
We do all sorts of crazy stuff, like journey to Salt Lake, or go out dancing and have fun. As of lately, we've had a blast attending the BYU Hockey games. For those of you that have yet to go to one... you're missing out. Not only is it fun to watch, but who doesn't love watching attractive, talented guys rocking it out on the ice?? Let's just say hockey may be one of my new favorite sports. Even if I don't understand most of it ;)

This is Stacie. You can call her Jones, Honez, Stace, or womanchild, she responds to any of them :)
And I'm sure you can see why we get along so well, she's just as goofy as me, and I've known her pretty much forever.

And this beautiful brunette is Brooklyn, although I haven't known her for very long, I feel like I've known her forever. She's crazy and bubbly, and we practically think on the same wavelength. Bottom line, she's pretty awesome.

My best friend from back home even decided to move to Utah! Miss Elizabeth Perfili. Picture pending... she hasn't hung out with me to take one yet :P but that will change very soon :)

It's a new semester, a fresh start to a beautiful new year at Brigham Young University, with surprising twists and turns around every corner. Who knows what I might find next? An amazing book? A thrifty clothes store? A dashing young man? Or even more fabulous friends? I can only hope. But for now, that's life as I know it.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

well why not...

hey there everybody! i figured it was only a matter of time before i got sucked into the world of blogging... but so far it hasn't become too time consuming. 
College life at Brigham Young University is incredible! i have some crazy roommates that i love, my ward is great, and we know how to balance having fun and working hard! (well sometimes)
this week has been full of fun times, our ward had a neon dance on saturday night, me and my lovely roommates (rebecca, shannon, cassie and katelyn) had a great time eating otter pops and dancing the night away

 and of course, as im sure that my mother is reading this, i guess i should talk about the wonderful men in our ward. my family home evening group is great, and all the boys in the ward are super helpful, we love them all already. but there's only room for one man in my life, and here he is...

kidding of course :) but until then, im ready for a week of tests, studying, beautiful weather, and exploring the never ending campus of BYU.
wish me luck!
suzanne :)